Find Your Community
LIFE Groups meet monthly, in members’ homes, to deepen friendships and support one another in prayer. If you are interested in joining a LIFE Group, contact
Sundays at 9:00AM
The Parables of Jesus - Room 102
Bible Study on the book of Genesis - Room 104
Placed for a Purpose, women’s study - Conference Room
Children - Room 115
Youth - Youth Building
Each Sunday your children are invited to worship as a congregation and then are welcomed into children’s church where they learn about Jesus.
Join us Sundays at 5pm in the youth trailer for games, small groups & worship! Students also gather bi-weekly for small groups on Wednesdays at 7pm
Women’s Hikes- this is a time to connect as a community, dig in to scripture, & pray with each other
Sew Faithful- monthly gathering
Pastor Jay’s Men’s Bible Study
Fridays at 8:15AM at Cracker Barrel
Wednesday Night Men’s Fellowship
Wednesdays at 6:00PM on the back patio
Men’s Group
Fridays at 7:00AM at Marie’s Italian Deli
Tuesday Morning Prayer
Tuesdays at 9:30AM in the Conference Room
12:16 Prayer
Wednesdays at 12:16PM in the Sanctuary